Sunday, December 14, 2008

A new kind of pain

Today around... 0200ish I woke up to extreme pain in my upper stomach area. At first I thought I was having another one of my nightmares, but the pain this time... was serious. I shriveled up into the fetal position and started feeling my stomach pulsate from the pain. My tolerance is really high to the point where I could maintain a poker face with a knife lodged into my thigh, but this... this was special. I tried to stand up and managed to crumble back onto the floor.

again... I got back into the fetal position.. but this time I started rolling. I don't know what to say, it would have been funny to watch, but it was just incredible how much it hurt. After about 30 mins, I realized I could either be having a gullstone/kidney attack... or I'm just straight out about to die.

I reached for my phone to try to call 9/11, but I couldn't find it. (I left it on the charger next to the table...)
I remember looking at the clock at around 0340 to realize "oh @#$%, I've been rolling around for an hour.." I took at look at my guinea pig to see if I woke her up... which I did and she wasn't very happy about it. =(

I crawled back into bed after taking 400 mg of melatonin and 2 table spoons of peptobismol. After laying there in pain for about 20 more mins I just gave up and punched the wind out of my stomach and knocked out. I woke up around 0930 to find the pain is gone...

What a night.


zihong said...

Did you get it again last night? :(

Earl said...

Dude, I know where you're coming from. I don't really know if it gets better. I think it just changes.

